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For more ideas of how to live more sustainably and protect our planet, please read below.
Why Thrift?
​saves water: it can take over 700 gallons of water to make 1 cotton t-shirt and 1,800 gallons of water to make one pair of jeans
less waste: America alone throws away 10.5 million metric tones of clothes every year, 60% of which is made out of synthetic (plastic) materials
less pollution: producing 1 pair of jeans generates greenhouse gases equivalent to driving 80 miles. Dyes pollute water supplies and contaminate soil.
less global inequality: the natural resources used to produce materials are taken from other countries, and toxic chemicals are released into their environment
better for your wallet: it may seem like buying new clothes at a cheap price is a good idea, but in the long run, you'll spend less money if you buy something high-quality. Fast-fashion items are low-quality to cut costs; instead of buying a pair of cheap, unethically-made leggings that you have to replace every 3 months once they rip, why not buy a pair of more expensive, but good quality leggings, that will last you 5 years.​
watch this video to learn more about the devastating effects of production.
Unsubscribe from clothing store newsletters: sales and other deals will tempt you to buy things you don't want or need.
Use your sewing kit: fix any holes or zippers that are preventing you from wearing the clothes you already own. There are many videos on YouTube that may help!
Before you buy something ask yourself:
Do I really need it?
Does it match with other pieces in my wardrobe or will I need to buy additional pieces in order to make an outfit?​
Is it comfortable? How often will I wear it?
Is it just a trend? Will I still wear it 5 years from now?
Is it high maintenance? Will I have to use my iron or pay for dry-cleaning?
What else could I spend this money on?
Donate: drop your clothes at a local goodwill or thrift store.
Pass it on: since over 80% of thrift store items aren't sold and are taken to landfill, a better option is to find a new home for your clothes. Perhaps you have a family member, friend, or neighbor, who would benefit from that jacket you don't wear anymore.
Host a clothing swap: in addition to the last idea, a clothing swap is a fun way to shake up your style a little and get rid of things you don't wear anymore, without hurting the environment.
Rent or thrift: scroll below!
Repurpose and upcycle:
Turn your old clothes into rags! This reduces paper towel usage, saving trees and your wallet!
Make a quilt out of your t-shirts!
Make a shoulder bag out of your old jeans!
There are lots of ways to repurpose your old clothes, search online or on YouTube for more ideas.
Alter your clothes: Crop your sweater, make your jeans into shorts, get creative!​
Rent Clothes!
Renting clothes can be a little more expensive, but it's a great option if you only need something for one night. Most rental websites have a monthly fee, and will send you a few pieces per month. You'll get the excitement of wearing new clothes, without contributing to consumerism.
Here are some options: